GVD Import Export Ltd
Rs-239, 5945 - Zona Industrial Norte Campo Bom/Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil - Cep:93700-000 Phone:+55 51 2123 6800 e-mail:gvd@gvdintl.com.br

Over time, GVD International has reached great prominence in the footwear export market.Its work has been promoting the name of Brazilian products throughout the world for over 35 years, contribuiting for the development of our country´s eco- nomy.The company is currently one of the largest distributors of shoes, accessories and products market, its operations com- prise exports to over 65 countries.

In a constant endeavor to meet the market´s needs GVD creates collections for its cstomers, asit hasits own team of designers, who conduct comprehensive market research.Besides, through trips and product research, they keep up with the markets that dictate the latest footwear trends in the word.

GVD´s main office is located in the heart of the leather-footwear industry in the city of Campo Bom,state of Rio Grande do Sul, about 45 Km from Porto Alegre, the state capital. The company´s structure has different divisions to care for each market the company has business. Such divisions are composed by professionals from all areas, from creation to sample making, trade experts, technicians and engineers, quality inspectors, as well as financial and logistics personnel.

In a constant endeavor to meet the market´s needs, GVD creates collections for its customeres,as its has, its own team of designers,who conduct comprehensive market resarch. Besides, through trips and product research, they keep up with the markets that dictate the latest footwear fashion trends in the world. Our designers are fully capable of working and developing their collections in accordance with the various segments in which GVD operates. They follow the needs of each market and customer,working with them in a customized way and interpreting the needs of their target public, so as to create value-added and commercially successful products.

GVD has commercial department for each market where it operates. This department works directly with the respective product development areas, to come up with prices compatible to the market´s requirements and geared towards its customers´satisfaction. One of GVD´s main goals is customer and supplier loyalty.In order to achieve this, the commercial department is in charge of the pre- sale and post-sale follow-up. In the pre-Sale phase, trade experts seek, together with customers and suppliers, to produce the best product that meets theirs needs. In addition, this product mus comply with all commercialization re- quirements and have the best cost-benefit ratio.

With the experience of more that 35 years, GVD developed its own brands, which are Pyramidis and Up2You. Besides these brands, the company has a strong PRIVATE LABEL business with famous brands all over the world, such as: ANDRE(FR),Bocage(FR),Carvela(UK), Dune London(UK), Eram(FR), Kurt Geiger(UK),Minelli(FR),Naf Naf(FR), NEXT(UK), Reiss(UK), Sandro(FR), Sarenza(FR), Texto(FR), TopShop(UK).

After this step, trade experts follow closely the production process to ensure that the product presents the four components that GVD considers essential, namely:product, price, quality and delivery.

GVD has the CAD/CAM system, whose objective is to enhancesecurity in the technical part as well as to enable faster pattern making, thus ensuring perfection in the pattern scale and in the productions process. The technical teams composed by experts in each specific area (lasts,soles, leather,synthetic materials and ornaments), who work together with tje creation department in the development of new materials.They follow the whole process, from product engineering up to the rigorous quality control process at the factories during yhe production phase. In addition, the technical department has inspectros and supervisors who carry out fitting trials and laboratory control every day. Each unit is monitorized by a quality inspector on a full-time base, and operates according to a control system know as AQL-Assurance Quality Level, which is duly recorded and followed by the personnel in charge.

GVD´s logistics center as located in Novo Hamburgo, 54 Km away from Porto Alegre the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul.It counts on cutting-edge integrated storage management technology that perfectly meets every logistic need.The result is instant monitoring of the delivery and shipment status, in addition to other key advantages.